
Desert Warfare - British vs Italians

Last Saturday we gamed a scenario organised by our veteran gamer "Jota".

The British players were given the objective of pushing the Italians out of a small village

Everything on the table is Jota's.

The British couldn't make it, the Italian player won the day.

As a consolation to the Brits (well, and the Italian player too), Jota treated us all to a post-match treat with his usual hospitality.....

7 comentarios:

  1. Fantastic looking game. I really like the early desert stuff.

  2. Great game and very nice photos. Nothing wrong with a drop or two of Jack either.

  3. Nice but tough (for the brits) game. I´ve updated the post with some more pics. ;-)

  4. Claro, claro, mucho rollo pero nadie habla de la palicita de los italianos a los tommies... ¡Jo!

  5. Ups! I'm wrong with the language, sorry.

    If if, much rollo but nadie habla nocin with the paliza italiana for the inglis...¡Jo!

  6. @ Beccas & Rodger. Thanks for the comments fellas.

  7. @ Carlos. Jajajaja - your English deserves a prize....
